Friday, November 2, 2012

Big Pig Returns to her Corner!

A Cause for Celebration!

Our Big Pig is home from the hog hospital and now guarding her rightful corner.
She remained brave throughout the quite lengthy cosmetic double ear surgery and the subsequent rehabilitation.
We are all very happy... our family is complete again now that our fine swine has returned home. 
 I thought about posting a curbside note warning any potential pignappers to stay away from our newly restored cement hog (now with state of the art anti theft security) and threatening prosecution to all pignappers, but Karl thought that I sounded crazy. 
And also mean.
So, to avoid sounding crazy and mean, I will post no notice... but instead provide a warning here.

Pignappers Beware- 
Our fine swine is too delicate of a hog to endure the horrors on any further foul play. 
Enjoy her as she serenely and stoically guards her corner, 
but please leave her in peace.

Welcome home Big Pig,
We missed you. 

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